Moments Worth Mentioning

“Outstanding New Member of the Year” Award

In spring 2023, I received the “Outstanding New Member of the Year” award on behalf of Phi Mu at the Belmont University Student Leadership Award Ceremony.

Belmont University Cone Center for Entrepreneurship Business Competition: 3rd Place

I entered my university’s business competition with my art business, Peyton Jane Design, and I made it into the shortlist of 10 student businesses who would compete in person. After giving a 1-minute pitch and answering questions from the judges, I earned 3rd place and received a $500 check to invest in my business!

Belmont University Dean’s List

I’ve earned a spot on the Dean’s List all five semesters that I have attended Belmont, including earning a 4.0 this past spring.

Meeting with Readers at St. Catherine’s School


April 2019

A few months after publishing my first poetry book, called Fourteen, I learned that it was being used as curriculum material for eighth grade English classes at St. Catherine’s School in Richmond, VA. I had the pleasure of surprising the students in class and having thoughtful conversations with them as we discussed the unique experiences and struggles that have come with being a teenage author, as well as sharing some then-unreleased poetry before signing copies of the book and taking photos with the girls.

This was my first experience with real “fans,” and although I did my best to maintain my composure and offer them valuable advice, I remember being stunned when the first student asked for my autograph.


TEDxYouth@RVA 2019

In November 2019, I had the privilege of being invited to give a TEDx talk at the TEDxYouth@RVA event. My talk, titled, What Are You Waiting For?, encompassed my poetry journey, and the years of determination that have made my current reality possible. If there is something you’re passionate about, what are you waiting for? Go after it, work for it, and create your own future.


High School Awards

After submitting multiple poems to the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards back in November, I found out in early 2020 that I was a winner in the Honorable Mention category for my poem, called Girl Becomes Woman Becomes Lion, which can be found in my second book, Fifteen.

At the end of my junior year, I received the Brown Book Award, which is a nationally-recognized honor given to a junior boy and girl at their school to commend their advanced verbal and written communication skills.

VAIS 2019 Day in the Arts Festival

In November of 2019, I was nominated to be a student presenter at the Virginia Association of Independent School’s annual Day in the Arts Festival. After spending time making worksheets and preparing for the festival, I was delighted to enter a room full of high school students, some even older than me, and try to teach them something about poetry. After telling them a little bit about my own story and relationship with poetry, we discussed the foundational basics of the writing style, and the differences between classic poems. This culminated in time spent writing our own poems, and then sharing them in small groups to offer and receive helpful feedback.

I thoroughly enjoyed this day, and the unique opportunity that I had to be the only student presenter among a group of particularly accomplished adults. The moments spent talking with the students about poetry made me realize how far I had come in just two years since I had started.